
Eerste Minister ondertekent rouwregister ter ere van Hare Majesteit Koningin Elizabeth II

Ter ere van Hare Majesteit Koningin Elizabeth II tekende Eerste Minister Alexander De Croo zonet het rouwregister op de residentie van de Britse ambassadeur. Een teken van steun en medeleven van ons land aan de Britse koninklijke familie en aan het Britse volk. 
Het overlijden van dit icoon laat niemand onberoerd. Gedurende meer dan zeventig jaar was ze een baken van stabiliteit en waardigheid.  Ze zal vele blijven inspireren. Moge ze in vrede rusten.
Hierbij de boodschap van de Eerste Minister:
To the British Royal Family:
To the Peoples and Governments of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth:
The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has moved people far beyond your borders.  In turbulent times she always was a beacon of calm and stability, in a world that can be sometimes rough, she was a model of reconciliation and dignity.  She brought harmony and people closer together.
With a remarkable combination of serenity and joie de vivre she fulfilled her duty and commanded respect and admiration around the world, also here in Belgium.  She was an example that inspired and brought out the best in people.
The queen has had a beautiful and rich life, but that does not take away the pain of the loss.  The Belgian people sympathize with you and know that you will find support and solidarity in each other during this difficult time. Know that the Queen will not be forgotten and that her life will be a lasting inspiration to us all.
On behalf of the Belgian government,
Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister